Fracking&Air Pollution
Oil and gas development negatively impacts air quality. Construction, drilling, storage, transportation, processing, and the burning of fossil fuels are all sources of serious air pollutants known to harm humans and the environment.The articles below reflect FracTracker’s work as it relates fracking and air pollution.
Tour Visible Air Emissions
Often times we wonder what might be coming off of an oil and gas well pad or out of a compressor station. While many of the emissions might be invisible to the naked eye, there are situations when it is possible to see such cases of air pollution. Let us take you on a digital tour of a few examples of visible air emissions.
FracTracker Air Articles
Explore the links below to learn about fracking and air pollution through visualizations such as maps, digital atlases of critical watersheds, and aerial photography.
Idle Wells are a Major Risk
/byKyle Ferrar, MPHDesignating a well as “idle” is a temporary solution for operators, but comes at a great economic and environmental cost to Californians Idle wells are oil and gas wells which are not in use for production, injection, or other purposes, but also have not been permanently sealed. During a well’s productive phase, it is pumping […]
Literally Millions of Failing, Abandoned Wells
/byKyle Ferrar, MPHBy Kyle Ferrar, Western Program Coordinator, FracTracker Alliance In California’s Central Valley and along the South Coast, there are many communities littered with abandoned oil and gas wells, buried underground. Many have had homes, buildings, or public parks built over top of them. Some of them were never plugged, and many of those that were […]
PTTGC’s Ethane Cracker Project: Risks of Bringing Plastic Manufacturing to Ohio
/byErica JacksonIn 2012, a battle between Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania was underway. Politicians and businesses from each state were eagerly campaigning for the opportunity to host Royal Dutch Shell’s “world-class” petrochemical facility. The facility in question was an ethane cracker, the first of its kind to be built outside of the Gulf Coast in 20 […]
Can Californians Escape Oil and Gas Pollution?
/byKyle Ferrar, MPHThe city of Los Angeles is considering a 2,500-foot setback safety buffer between residences and oil and gas wells. Support for the proposal is being led by the grassroots group Stand Together Against Neighborhood Drilling (STAND-LA). The push for a setback follows a recent report by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. According […]
A Hazy Future: Pennsylvania’s Energy Landscape in 2045
/byvwin德赢appaiReport Calculates Impacts from PA’s Planned Natural Gas Infrastructure FracTracker Alliance released the report: A Hazy Future: Pennsylvania’s Energy Landscape in 2045 today, which details the potential future impacts of a massive buildout of Marcellus Shale wells and associated natural gas infrastructure. Industry analysts forecast 47,600 new unconventional oil and gas wells may be drilled in […]
The Right to a Healthy Home
/byvwin德赢appai重构压裂想象,在我们的社区tonight you head home to cook dinner. But, standing at your kitchen sink, you find that your tap water is suddenly running a funny color or gives off a bad smell. So instead of cooking, you order a pizza and decide to work outside in your garden. Just […]